Alabama APEX provides government procurement and contracting assistance through a group of specialized business advisors located at six locations in Alabama. The APEX Accelerator (formerly Procurement Technical Assistance Center -PTAC), works with small and large businesses to provide education and training to ensure that all businesses become capable of participating in federal, state, and local government contract
Over the last five years, the APEX Alabama delivered substantial consulting and training services that have allowed a diverse group of small businesses to compete for and win over $1.3 billion in contracts.
APEX is the bridge between buyer and supplier, bringing to bear their knowledge of both contracting in the public & private sectors and the capabilities of contractors to maximize fast, reliable service with better quality and at lower cost.

APEX Accelerators are part of a congressionally authorized initiative to assist businesses in marketing their goods and services to the U.S. Department of Defense, other federal agencies, and state and local governments. Each APEX Accelerator is dedicated to supporting our national security by ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers for the defense industry and other agencies, and to bringing the economic benefits of federal, state and local contracting to Alabama businesses.
Client Demographics
- 38% Women
- 29% Veteran / Service Disabled Veteran
- 43% Minorities
- 3% Hispanic

Bid-Matching Service
Bidmatch is available at no charge to qualified clients.
Each day, we’ll search our extensive database of federal, state, local, and foreign bid opportunities on your behalf, looking for those that are relevant to your business. We’ll notify you via e-mail when something comes up and store your bid leads on a private Web site for easy ongoing access.
When you submit the keywords and phrases that best describe your business, they are thoroughly fine-tuned (by people, not computers!) based on our 25 years of experience. Common keyword misspellings and pluralization, wildcards, proximity statements, exclude statements, and many other Boolean logic operators are included to provide that elusive balance between the inclusion of wanted bid opportunities and the exclusion of unwanted ones.
Matchmaker Events
Our Matchmaker events give you a series of 15-minute one-on-one sessions with government and corporate buyers from across the state and Gulf Coast. How simple is it? We’ll let you know which agencies, primes, and corporations are attending, and you simply let us know which ones you want to meet. We’ll make the appointments, you do what you do best: pitch your company.
Our matchmakers are attended by a wide variety of buyers: Federal, state, and local governments, large prime contractors, constructions companies, technology & software companies, aerospace & defense, automotive manufacturing, accounting & consulting companies, and many more.

Professional Assistance
The success of APEX Alabama is dependent upon the expertise of its professional staff, and this expertise must continually evolve and expand. As a small business in Alabama, you can rest assured that you are receiving the highest level assistance in government contracting. All of our procurement specialists must obtain – and maintain – a certification standard established by the National APEX Accelerator Alliance (NAPEX).
All of our procurement specialists have achieved one of the following certifications:
CPP: Certified Procurement Professional
Level 1: Contracting Assistance Specialist (CAS)
Level 2: Associate Contracting Assistance Specialist (ACAS)
Level 3: Certified Contracting Assistance Specialist (CCAS)
Ready to get started?
Complete our client registration form here. There is no charge to work with an APEX Advisor, but client registration is required.
“This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Defense.” Alabama APEX is hosted by the University of Alabama’s Office of Research & Economic Development and is deployed statewide at partner university locations. Formerly known as Alabama PTAC.